5 Common Instagram Hashtag Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Instagram Hashtag Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Are you clueless when it comes to using the right hashtags on Instagram? We've got you covered! In this post, we're discussing the five most common Instagram hashtag mistakes and how you can be sure to avoid them. Keep reading to learn how to use hashtags that will attract an engaged audience to your Instagram account and our secret weapon for finding the perfect Instagram hashtags!

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Using Twitter for Business

Using Twitter for Business

I like to think of Twitter as a giant chat room.  Conversations on Twitter seem to progress at the speed of light, and trending topics can shift in a matter of minutes.  Because of its fast-paced nature, Twitter can be hit or miss.  That being said, Twitter can be an excellent platform to use for business.  Although we do not currently use Twitter to promote Humble & Whole, we had a presence on Twitter for our first blog and learned some tricks & tips to cultivate an engaged following.  Keep reading to discover the five tips to make the most of Twitter for your business.

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