How to Yield an ROI from Social Media Marketing

How to Yield an ROI from Social Media Marketing

Vanity metrics will never tell you the whole story of how your content is performing on social media, yet we see entrepreneurs fall into this trap far too often, judging if their social presence is “good enough” based on the size of their following and the number of likes and comments they receive. But if vanity metrics aren’t an accurate focal point to measure your success, then what is worth your attention? How do you truly know whether your social presence is working for you?

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Is Social Media Helping or Hurting Your Biz Goals?

Is Social Media Helping or Hurting Your Biz Goals?

Social media platforms are powerful tools for any online entrepreneur to consider when attempting to reach their business goals.  However, it’s important to consider whether your methods are making it harder to reach your own goals.  Are you allowing the social media platforms to operate in their strengths?  A social media strategy can only be successful when the platforms that are being used are in alignment with your business goals.  Keep reading to make sure that your social media presence is actually helping (not hurting) your chances of reaching your business goals!

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